
A Busy Week


Our Thanksgiving was really great! I always love this time of year when we get to think about all of our blessings. It's great! I also love seeing all of our family! And then we jump right into Christmas! Christmas is so amazing, it just has such a great spirit. It was also my first time going to the Black Friday Sales and it was so much fun! I went with my cousins, Paige and Kassidi, Kassidi's friend, Ashley, and Aunt Jeri! Afterwards, we went to Souper Salad. It was a great day- got all my Christmas shopping done!

Then on Sunday my cousin, Bronson, who's going on a mission, had his farewell. It was really great and spiritual. We are so happy for him! He left for the MTC earlier this week. Now to top it all off, we're going Christmas Tree Cutting tomorrow! It's going to be so much fun!


Steph said...

Great picture! I didn't get to do black friday shopping this year and I missed it. We miss you!

paige said...
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Skousen Family said...

We miss you too! Tell Ashlynn congrats on her batism! I wish we could have been there. We're so proud of her!